Pheromones are produced in liquid form. Some pheromone secretions evaporate as soon as they are released and so become quickly dispersed in the air. Others are waxy or oily; such pheromones do not evaporate very fast and so tend to last much longer. Learn more at
Transmitting Pheromones
The process of sending a chemical message is a very complex one. Animals normally release pheromones only at certain times, even though they may produce these special chemicals almost continually in their bodies. An animal does not consciously “decide” what pheromone messages to send and when to send them. Rather, it releases pheromones in response to specific stimuli (singular, stimulus) that occur either in the world around it or inside its body.
A stimulus is any action or situation that can bring about a reaction in a living thing. For example, an insect might be stimulated to produce a particular pheromone by the presence of an enemy or a potential mate, the act of laying eggs, or the discovery of a rich food source. Only under certain conditions will animals release pheromones and in so doing create a chemical message.
Challenges in Pheromones Research
Understanding why animals send the kinds of messages that they do is one of the many challenges in pheromone research. Much more is known about how different kinds of animals actually release pheromone molecules into their surroundings.
Some animals do so simply by exposing the surface of a gland, perhaps by lifting a tail or wing. Other animals are equipped with accessory structures that help to increase the amount of pheromone they can release or to disperse the pheromone more rapidly.
Some of these structures are quite strange-looking. For example, some types of male butterflies have feathery scent brushes that they usually keep tucked away inside their bodies in pouches containing pheromone glands. The many fine hairs of scent brushes are saturated with pheromones that attract female butterflies.
When pursuing a female, the male extrudes his scent brushes. Because these delicate structures have a great deal of surface area from which pheromones can evaporate, they act as a sort of chemical radiator, greatly increasing the rate at which pheromone molecules float off into the air. Some species of male moths have long inflatable structures that also help to disperse pheromones.
What About Pheromones For Humans?
Pheromones for humans come in a variety of colognes and perfumes. They are commonly sold online and contain numerous ingredients to bolster attraction to the opposite sex. Some of the most popular brands include Pherazone, Nexus, and Chikara cologne. What they all have in common is the use of androstenone and androstenol. There are common pheromone additives that are reported to boost sexual attraction and make the wearer feel more confident. Make sure to try them today and experience the difference! Learn more at